12 years ago
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12 years ago
This is a Telugu word, can anyone tell me the meaning of Sanchalanam in English
Do you mean management or how to run things?
Thank you said by: sreevani
12 years ago
This is a Telugu word, can anyone tell me the meaning of Sanchalanam in English
There is a Hindi word- Sanchalan. This means executing. Sanchalam is the south Indian variant of sanchalan. This just means 'executing'.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Thank you said by: sreevani
12 years ago
This is a Telugu word, can anyone tell me the meaning of Sanchalanam in English
There is a Hindi word- Sanchalan. This means executing. Sanchalam is the south Indian variant of sanchalan. This just means 'executing'.
The given word is SANCHALANAM. Not SANCHALAM.
Meaning of SANCHALANAM is Sensation.
Thank you said by: sreevani
12 years ago
This is a Telugu word, can anyone tell me the meaning of Sanchalanam in English
There is a Hindi word- Sanchalan. This means executing. Sanchalam is the south Indian variant of sanchalan. This just means 'executing'.
The given word is SANCHALANAM. Not SANCHALAM.
Meaning of SANCHALANAM is Sensation.
You mean sanchalanam has nothing to do with Sanchalan? Sanchalan is related with management, execution or running things. Even driving an engine is sanchalan.
12 years ago
I hope sanchalan is different from sanchalanam
Sanchalan in Hindi is different from Sanchalanam in Telugu
Sanchalan in Hindi is different from Sanchalanam in Telugu
12 years ago
I hope sanchalan is different from sanchalanam
Sanchalan in Hindi is different from Sanchalanam in Telugu
I do not think it is different. In Tamil and Telugu languages, most words get added with the suffix 'am' hence Sanchalan in Hindi would become Sanchalanam in Telugu, so the meaning would be same as what it would be in Hindi.
If you can give the sentence in English where the word is used, the meaning would be more clear.
"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)
12 years ago
This is a Telugu word, can anyone tell me the meaning of Sanchalanam in English
Sanchalana is also a Kannada word and it means movement of any kind....It can vbe used both as a noun and an adjective..
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
"That incident has created a sensation"
This is the sentence to get the meaning of Sanchalanam in Telugu
This is the sentence to get the meaning of Sanchalanam in Telugu
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