12 years ago
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12 years ago
I guess only the admin can answer that since others wouldn't know...why don't you send a Pm to him and get all your doubts cleared ?
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
There is no connection of Boddunan membership with any particular computer. A member may operate from any computer- home, office, cyber cafe. The site will know a member by his username and password only. I also work from office computer as well as home. sometimes, I also log in from cyber cafe or from some other friend's office or home.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
But Gulshan ji what you said is ok, but house address will be same so is that ok?
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
12 years ago
But Gulshan ji what you said is ok, but house address will be same so is that ok?
Yes. This is no issue. There is no bar on residence. I have a tenant in my house. He can also have membership of Boddunan if he likes. He may operate from his computer and also from mine. all that is required is that the individuals should be real and not fake and they must log in separately. Obviously, two persons cannot work on same computer simultaneously. .
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
12 years ago
But Gulshan ji what you said is ok, but house address will be same so is that ok?
Yes. This is no issue. There is no bar on residence. I have a tenant in my house. He can also have membership of Boddunan if he likes. He may operate from his computer and also from mine. all that is required is that the individuals should be real and not fake and they must log in separately. Obviously, two persons cannot work on same computer simultaneously. .
On most sites this is not allowed, you cannot have two accounts from the same IP address and you may require a special permission from the admin after he has vetted the accounts and the individuals identities...so I too was having similar doubts about having 2 accounts from the same IP address!
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
12 years ago
Even I also never read anywhere in Boddunan rules that a person two persons cannot work from the same IP address but still you must confirm it from admin as on most of the earning sites this is not allowed. :blink:
12 years ago
I heard that we should have any fake account. i mean one person should not maintian another fake account.
I feel maintaining one account is a big thing, how a person can maintain another account.
I feel maintaining one account is a big thing, how a person can maintain another account.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
12 years ago
I have a good idea.
Ahmed tell your brother to open account in boddunan.com from cyber cafe. Thence he can work on boddunan sitting back at home.
Ahmed tell your brother to open account in boddunan.com from cyber cafe. Thence he can work on boddunan sitting back at home.
12 years ago
But Gulshan ji what you said is ok, but house address will be same so is that ok?
Yes. This is no issue. There is no bar on residence. I have a tenant in my house. He can also have membership of Boddunan if he likes. He may operate from his computer and also from mine. all that is required is that the individuals should be real and not fake and they must log in separately. Obviously, two persons cannot work on same computer simultaneously. .
This is very true but some sites create problem with the IP address. Thus it is better to open account from different computer. Restof the work he can continue from the same computer at home.
12 years ago
It will be better to take permission from admin so that no problem will held in future,he will clear your doubt.
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