Can we post our already approved articles (on boddunan) on our own blog?
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Please ask our team to unpublish it on boddunan before doing so.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

I think if you post in your blog then you will not get traffic because google give traffic for fresh posting also.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Please ask our team to unpublish it on boddunan before doing so.

Thanks Maverick for clearing my doubt.
I think Santosh is will not get traffic because google give traffic for fresh posting also.
Please ask our team to unpublish it on boddunan before doing so.

many article sites like bukisa allow the writers to re publish their articles written elsewhere in their sites this possible on boddunan?
the articles in the boddunan we publish must not be published in our blog and the articles in our blog should not be published. or else boddunan will reject them and some times they will block our account as we submitted copied content

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Please ask our team to unpublish it on boddunan before doing so.

many article sites like bukisa allow the writers to re publish their articles written elsewhere in their sites this possible on boddunan?

Boddunan requires that articles must not be copied from any other site. If own articles on other sites are copied in posted here.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

thanks for info buthas anyone of you written for bukisia? and has it payed you
?? i don't think there is any other good site for indian writers except
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