14 years ago
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14 years ago
I don't think starving can reduce gastric problems, infact you may face gastric problems with empty stomach, I don't think liquids can help reduce the problem
14 years ago
No,not really.Its a wrong myth.Starving gives much more problems than that.
14 years ago
I too believe so that how can starving save us.How can the article state such things with proper analysis.
Can anyone give some suggestion to reduce this problem.
Can anyone give some suggestion to reduce this problem.
14 years ago
Hmmm....Is the author a qualified person and did he/she give any supporting evidence or references?
Where did you come across this article? Maybe you could confront the publisher as to what are his references and what supporting data is available to prove this claim.
Where did you come across this article? Maybe you could confront the publisher as to what are his references and what supporting data is available to prove this claim.
14 years ago
@Rajani, Do you have any link to the article?. I feel it is not true. It may aggravate the problem. :(
14 years ago
I don't think it has any such validity. I would rather say that it worsens it!
14 years ago
No it is not true.Starving makes many problems in gastric.Do not stay in in empty stomach.At least take some biscuits and a glass of water.
14 years ago
I had heard from my friends that due to starving their stomach filled with gas.Then how this?
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14 years ago
Agree that starving is not good option and i also beleive that wont help. But i think yoga remedies are different. This was stated in some yoga related article. I am extremely sorry that i cannot paste the link here as i do not remember where i saw it. But from the time i read it, i just wanted to know did anyone have got relief by starving for a day and only taking fluids. :S
The article stated that by taking only fluids all the impurities in stomach is come out including gas. :huh:
The article stated that by taking only fluids all the impurities in stomach is come out including gas. :huh:
14 years ago
yes i also agree by your point that starvation reduces gastecic problem.
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