what is the use of the header file process.h in c language?
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Santosh Kumar Singh



im a b.tech computer science student..future programmer you can say
Good. I am experienced person in programing. In future if you need any help then welcome .

Santosh Kumar Singh



thank you santosh.. surely will contact you.
header files are used to call the predefined methods . Like printf and scanf these are functions defined in stdio.h class.
i know what header files are isha..i asked what are the special functions that are included in header file process.h
execle - It loads & executes new child process by placing it in memory previously occupied by the parent process.
spawnv - Parameters are passed as an array of pointers. It loads & executes new child process.
getpid - It returns the process identifier.
execlp - It loads & executes a new child process by placing it in memory previously occupied by the parent process.
Thanks for sharing the link with us,Santhosh.
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