How to develop social forestry?
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By planting more trees in our surrounding and utilizing the barren lands by proper management would surely going to help the cause in the long run. I think each and every individual has a role to play in this...
By stop cutting tree in forests and by planting tree all over the places

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Not only people, but both governments and non governmental organizations should all effectively play in this social forestry..
Every house where trees can be planted should be planted, not only houses where ever we can we should plant

The local people who live near the forest areas should be involved in a moreeffective way to preserve our existing forests and reforesting efforts!
Vanmahotsava is a festival celebrated in certain areas by planting trees.It should be followed all over India.
we can do it by establishing gardens in our town and plant more trees here n there in free space .
By planting the trees in empty lands and avoiding the cutting trees.

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