:( I don't know why but something really bad happened that i do not able to write any more article for this site after rejection of my many article after being approval.
Member please help me so get out of this and again i start to write article for this site.
Really i wanted to write for this site.
you please help me>>>>>>
I am a Coder and Blogger.
Currently pursuing my engineering degree and will be a software engineer in 2013..
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Just find out the causes for rejection of your article and correct it in future.. If you still facing the same after the correction then contact Maveric through private message...
Please go through the most read articles and also through the articles of the members who you like most due to their intellect.It would really help you in know how do they think. What values they are adding for the entire galaxy of members of boddunan.
It will help you develop your way of thinking and expressing accordingly.Rejection opens the way for success if the reason is analysed seriously.We all are here to learn more and more and I am sure that every one whosoever, has gained a lot in terms of knowledge and aptitude from this site.
Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
An article is commonly rejected on the ground of copying and I am not sure if yours fall into that category! If there are any other grounds you can always access the support team of Boddunan and especially Maverick!