How old is our galaxy?
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We live in galaxy name "Milky Way". It is very old galaxy. Its been 13.2 billion year old.

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Milky way is 13.2 billion years old.To know more,
Our galaxy is billions years old, but don't know the exact number

it is too old to be count .By scientific studies is 13.2 years old
Yes our galaxy is 13.2 billion year old.. very funny name Milky Way......
Hey thank you so much for recalling the old things which i have forgoten.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

our galaxy is too much old near about billions of year old.
Our galaxy is as old as our universe itself and as pointed out by many of our members it is almost 13.2 billion years old...
Every body told the correct one it is above 13.2 billion years.

For more details you can go to the wikepedia.

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