Do you think women cell protect the women culprits and victims?
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yes women cell provides various of services to the victims and it really help full for them.
I agree with isha,that women cell is very protective.

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yes women cell protects the victims. it provides various services to the victims
Though marginally I agree with the statement and believe that women cell favors women culprits and victims!!!
Women cell of what? The Police have women's cell and even seperate women police station. These deal promarily with cases of dowry and atrocities on women and family matters. These protect women against injustice and also act as family counselore.

These definitely not protect the women criminals or culprits. They are rather prosecuted.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Happily the new government in West Bengal has decided to set up quite a good number women police stations all over the state. Women cells are meant to afford exclusive facilities and protection to female inmates!
no even the women cell dors not protect it to become a victom.
I think the conditions of some state-run women shelters and homes are inhuman and all kind of exploitation go on in these centers!
yes,really. women cell protect the women culprits and victims.
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