How to teach mathematics for young children?
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Using things make them to count first.Teach only one or two things a day.

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Mathematics should be taught slowly and step by step. The study needs more practice of exercises after every step or lesson.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

learning math through Practical way will be more beneficial for children to learn fast.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Maths is more a matter of practice than theory as rightly pointed out by Santosh. I may add that Mathemeatics differs from narrative subjects like History and literature that can be taught in any sequence. Proper sequence is of paramount importance in Mathematics. Unless you know counting, you cannot learn addition and deduction. Multiplication and division follow. When a child is proficient in one step, only then he should be taught next step. Mathematics needs very clear understanding, practice and perfection whereas subjects like history and social sciences may be okay even with some vagueness and imperfection.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

We should make the teaching very interesting to make them understand.Teaching practically will work best.
Children afraid maths.So some measures to overcome this is to be taken.

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mathematics should be taught in a very clear and easy manner. the person who learn mathematics should get interest to learn it

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It is important for the parent try to understand where the child is going wrong and how the child got there, so that the we can correct misconceptions.....
Creating interest and explaining in detail is very easy method of teaching mathmetics to children

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Teach them but never enforce them to do so and at the same time have your patience and try to clear their doubts with a smiling face...
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