How to avoid radiations coming from mobile phones?
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Radiations can affect only when talking for hours. The best way is to use headphones or speaker option while talking..
The best option is by using the mobile phone in the speaker mode.
I agree with the options suggested by the members and we should also try to limit the use of mobile phones and avoid glaring into it for long hours...
How to avoid radiations coming from mobile phones?

You can't avoid , but can control by various ways.

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radiations affect when phone is ringing . try to use headphones or keep phone away from ear while it s ringing only when the communication is started phone should touch little to ear.
I think some stickers are available which helps in avoidance of radiations coming from mobile phones.
using headphones avoids radiation affecting us. or there will be some equipment available in market which restrict radiation from mobiles

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

We should not keep cell phones under the pillow while sleeping rather keep at a distance of at least one feet to avoid the harmful radiations as these damage our internal organs and often cause cancer...
mobile emits radiations but not much . to ave yourself from its radiations use to less talk on it.
stop using it , c'mon a very simple solution , and if there is then , it only known by scientist who will discover and implement , not by our mango people.
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