Can Dowry System be completely abolished from the Indian Society?
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It's a very complex social phenomenon and frankly I don't see much of a chance for its complete disappearance.The reason being the participation and practice of this inhuman culture by the 'so-called' educated people!!
It is a Himalayan Task.But if each parent and their girl decide that she will not marry a man who ask dowry it can get controlled.

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No, dowry system cannot be completely abolished from the India society, it will exist some where or the other

This is not a kind of rule or a law that can be abolished forever .Dowry is a kind of love that is shown by parents for their daughters at the time of marriage but greedy people has made it worse
No it`s not completely abolished.....It`s still there in most of the rural areas..
No, I don't think dowry system can be completely abolished from the Indian society.Dowry system is as such not bad because parents wish to give their daughter gifts and cash at the time of marriage.But, bridegroom parents becoming greedy have started demanding dowry, this is bad and need to be stopped which is a difficult task.
It's not true to say that rural areas practise it rather it's the other way round! Secret deals are struck at educated households!
I don't believe that it will completely get abolished from our society in the next two decades.
At one point of time there were believers that education would help eradicating this vice but tragically the problem has got worse with the spread of education!
It is okay to generate an environment against dowry and for simple marriages. There should be a ban on lavish marriages. However, it is not possible to completely abolish dowry as long as people adhere to this social custom. The Government may also not interfere as long as there is no coercian and no complaint. If both sides- dowry giver and recipient- are satisfied, nobody need boither. But when there is complaint, anti dowry law is there to take care of such situation.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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