what is better...a lie that draws a smile...or a truth that draws a tear???
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I believe that sometimes lie makes simle,but untill its not 100% necessary,you should not lie. Truth,at one hand gives you smile,on the other hand it may give you tears.
I believe : Truth that gives you smile
Smile that gives you smile.
SMILE is what i believe ,that important.

Want to make each day Accountable

A truth is a truth and we cannot ignore the fact that it is truth whether it brings tear or not but at the same time a lie which can bring a smile to a face is considered a 100 times better then a single truth...
Lie should not make matter more difficult to handle. If it does,you shouldn't lie,although lie gives you smile.

Want to make each day Accountable

Whether yo speak the truth or lie, what matters is the aim. If a lie is harmless and gives cheers, it is better than the truth that gives tears. But if you speak lie for selfish interest and fooling, this is worst even if this brings smile.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

A lie which doesn't affect anyone's feeling is better than a truth that draws a tear..
Its viceversa.Sometimes ,A lie which doesn't affect anyone's feeling is better than a truth that draws a tear.. and sometimes not.
You should remember one thing in mind that lie should not make matter worse. Lie though can give smile but,What after happiness?? More trouble will be there.

Want to make each day Accountable

I was taught from my childhood that say truth only even if it so bitter.

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I was taught from my childhood that say truth only even if it so bitter.

I remember a Sanskrit verse that says- Speak True, speak sweet, do not speak bitter truth, do not speak sweet lie, speak sweet true.

Thus, we should speak only that truth which pleases. We may make exception when speaking truth is necessary for discharge of our duty or justice.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Lie draws smile for short term.

Truth is always good.

Be positive
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