How is a satellite phone different from a cellular phone?
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Satellite phones use orbiting satellites and not cells for communication. For detailed discussion see:

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Satellite Phones vs. Cellular Phones

The way cellular phones work they use zones or small base stations called “cells”. As you move from one area or “cell” your call is “handed off” from the old to the new cell. The switch to the new cell is accomplished by the sending of a special signal to the mobile unit. The Mobile Telephone Switching Office or MTSO connects the cellular calls with the Public Switched Telephone Network or (PSTN). The MTSO also controls all the cell sites. All the cell phones are registered with the control channel so the system knows where to find the cellular phone.

Imagine in a perfect world the cells or zones looked like a large honey bee cone that covered the planet. But this is not possible. It is not cost effective for the cellular providers to put up cell towers in rural areas or many third world countries where there would be low usage. So this makes vast areas of the U.S. and other countries where a cellular phone does not have coverage because if you are not close to a cell tower your cell phone will not work. There is also the issue where your friend's cell phone may work in an area or “cell” and yours does not. That is because their phone is most likely using another cellular provider the uses a tower with a difference technology other than the technology compatible with your phone. Also it would be impossible to place towers out in the ocean far from land, again making your celullarl phone worthless when not close to a cell tower.

Satellite Phones do not use “cells” or cell towers. The most popular hand held satellite telephones use Low Earth Orbiting or LEO satellites. When you turn on your satellite phone the signal goes up to any number of satellites in a compatible constellation where it is then registered with the constellation. Globalstar has 48 satellites and Iridium has 66 that orbit the earth. When making a call the satellite signal goes to the satellites this it is directed down to a ground station or gateway where it is directed by the gateway the to the call destination. The call can be directed to a land-line or PSTN as well as a cellular network. The reverse is also true. Any land-line or cellular network can call satellite phones. The Gateway processes and takes care of the switching of the calls rather than the satellite network. This allows you to use your phone even when you are in the middle or no where far from any cell tower. If you call another compatible satellite phone the call is transmitted up to the satellites and then down to the ground station then transmitted back up to the satellites then down to receiving satellite phone. This is the ultimate secure calling because the encryption is handled at the ground station because the call never goes to a land-line or PSTN.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I was really shocked to see the reply for that and it was really stunning and hats off to sarala.
thank you Deivigan

Difference Between the Working of Satellite Phone and Cellular Phone
Satellite phones and cellular phones are both wireless phones. They look very similar but their functioning is different. In cell phones, the whole network is divided in to small areas called cells and hence, the name. In each cell, an antenna is installed which is also referred to as tower. When a cellular phone moves from one cell to another, it sends a signal to mobile telephone switching office (MTSO). The MTSO refers to the database and relocates the cellphone in a new cell. Like satellite phone service providers, cell phone providers also have different cell phone plans.

Satellite phones on the other hand, make use of the low earth orbiting satellites (LEO). When the satellite phone is switched on, a signal is sent to the group with which the phone is registered. When the call is made, a signal is sent to the nearest orbiting satellite. In turn, the satellite connects to the gateway or the ground station which carries the call to the final destination.

There are many types of communication mediums that available now, such as, Internet telephone, cell phones, short distance communication walkie talkies, etc however, properly and well chosen satellite phone plans can help in saving some money which can be utilized for some other purposes. With satellite phones, you can stay connected to your near and dear ones, even if you are at the other end of the globe.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

How much does it cost to talk on them? Are they given on rent at a low price. Actually I am planing to go to Nepal for hiking and trekking in May. Give some suggestions.
We havent experienced satellite phone till now in have to wait for them to come.
We need to wait till the satellite phone launch in India.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Do military and army officers in remote areas like Kashmir, where there is very insecure network,satellite phones are used?
iam very much shocked for the answers given here its really good.i know about cellularphone and don't know about satellite phones
Well, I think satellite phone may be more costlier than cellphone.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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