Hello. I wrote an article about the above (first article ). It is very small in size but gives you the meaning. My answer to your question is in the following article.
Only word missing from the list is 'Ambivert'.
Ambivert meaning > An Ambivert possess the characteristics of both Introvert and Extrovert by acing in both ways depending on situations.
And, i think i am a little bit of everything !
I am an extrovert. This means that I am not self centred and I take more interest in the world outside than thoughts about self. This is reverse of introveert who is immerged in thoughts of self and has little interest in matters of social concern. The political leaders, players, actors are usually extroverts. The intoverts make good poets,spirutualists and artists. However, an being introvert is not same as selfish. This is a psychological trait.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant http://gkajmani-mystraythoughts.blogspot.com/