Russia figured its name on the top of world's highest divorce rate list which proved that marital relationships in the country faced real threatening problems.

According to the Demographic Yearbook, a statistics collection put out by the United Nations, there are five divorces in every 1,000 marriages in the country, reports the New York Daily News.

Moreover, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova round out the top four. The Cayman Islands have the fifth highest divorce rate.

Even the US is not far behind, as the super-power has the sixth-highest divorce rate in the world: 3.4 divorces per thousand people.

However, it seems couples in Massachusetts are getting along well as the state boasts the lowest divorce rate in the US only 1.8 divorces per thousand people.
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Divorce is okay if the couples cannot live comfortably. Divorce is better than uneasy married life. There should be no problem with issue-less couples. Also when children are grownup, this is no problem. Divorce should be avoided when children are small. If the couple seek divorce when the children are very small, they should be made responsible for upbringing children and heavily penalized.

Happily, divorce is not very common in India. Marriage is not only individual matter as family is ultimate social unit.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is not good sign for a society since a person backed by a family only feels a sense of totality. In a rags to riches story, i remember, the man interviewed said,'To be successful in life one must be successful in family first."
Having divorce is not correct. If a wife and husband feel incomfort with their lifes, then they both should discuss their problems and solve them and lead a happy enjoyable life.Marriage is just adjustment. without adjustment there is no life. Russian society should concentrate on this point and take action by counciling the wife and husband who decided to take divorce.
In India, people think taking divorce is not much good in the society.Thats why if any couple want to take divorce, then the court give them 1 year time to decide and then they give divorce. There are lot of restrictions and formalities for taking divorce in India.The countries like Russia,USA and some other foriegn countries they wont even think a while before they take divorce. As there is no much value of love in those countries.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It is not a good sign to see the increase in the number of divorce cases.Harmony, peace and all good things begins from a happy home. :) :)
As a developed country the people do have fast thinking and value of relations is not a big issue, which can be a reason.
The value of relations is not known when we are young.We value relations only at the last stage of our life.
every relation is based on understanding,love, and adjustment.If these are adopted by a yet to divorce couple, they may not take divorce.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Divorce (or the dissolution of marriage) is the final termination of a marital union, canceling the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage

I dont know how they take divorce. Why dont they solve their problems and misunderstanding and lead a good life?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

On many occasions even the divorcees must be feeling a void and must be missing each other.If such a situation occurs, they should consider a reunion.I think no compulsion can be greater than such a reunion.
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