Hi friends,

Surprised with the title? Are you able to recollect what is the topic I am referring to?

Well it is nothing but the magic number - 1000 we have reached recently in posting articles. Then how it will come again again? Confused?

Well this is also pretty simple. We are now just 49(may be less as count is increasing so fast that I couldn't catch while typing this post) posts short to reach magic number in number of posts on boddunan forums.

And what else? There is another big one. The number of users. We have crossed 800 mark today and is just short of 199 to reach magic number in that as well.

And can you think of any other area we can reach magic number? Well there are.

We are moving fast towards the magic number in Web Links as well as Comments. We are now at 604 for web links and 425 for comments.

So guys there are number of magic numbers we are going to reach. Lets keep up the momentum and reach our goals as soon as possible.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

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wow! :silly:
Great Stats...

We are rocking guys and we will make a big milestone in near future. Keep the spirit up :)

Maverick these stats are really amazing and I hope you will soon have to post this message again but with different magic number "10000" :)

Great work members :kiss:

-Atul Barapatre B)


thats really great!

we heardly know where we can get these information;but we have the moderator to the rescue :D

lets all stive to achieve the magic number...

I am in short of 400 cash points to achieve my magic number of 1000 for my first payment!:) :woohoo:

Swetha Shenoy
oh yea.....This is just the beginning.....we still have lot more coming up..............its gonna be crazyyyy
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