In a significant scientific discovery, astronomers have found a diamond-studded planet that contains ultra-high concentrations of carbon. The research suggests that there may be the possibility of having more carbon-rich and rocky planets in our galaxy.

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The US-British team led by Indian Nikku Madhusudhan said the discovery is the second one after an extreme hot planet was discovered last year that has more carbon than oxygen.

Scientists said in the Nature journal that the newly discovered planet called WASP-12b orbits a star about 1,200 light-years from Earth. It is a hot planet and has around 2300°C temperature, which can melt a stainless steel.

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Thanks for sharing infomation about new planet.

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Thanks for sharing this information about new planet....
It is good to know that a Indian was the leader of the team.Thanks for sharing the information,Deepti. :)
Thanks for sharing the info, Deepti! I only hope that we humans do not try to exploit this new planet for its diamonds and destroy it forever! :dry:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Planets are getting on discovered.Astronomy is really a sea of discoveries.

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hmm another new invention.. good to see that still lot of things are finally known through technology improvement.
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