Dear members who is good in software or hard ware please post good number of articles .
Because we are not getting good number of outsider visitor to our site and now days every college has wi-fi Internet connection and engineering and MBA students are searching for their study materials on Net so through these articles we can get good number of articles
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This is correct. Then we should post articles in our area of expertise. Thus artcles in law, medicine, accounts, political science etc may also be posted. But the articles must be of good quality free from grammatical and spelling errors so that college students may ctually benefit. It will also be useful to email relevant articles to students you know. This will make the site popular.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

you are right Gulshan you can start posting articles in which you are expert which can help many students and also you
Yes .. i too agree..

Writing theoretical articles may attract students to our site...

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Jobin what do you do?
I think some computer professionals should start posting articles hee to get traffic of college students
One more suggestion to attract college students is if somebody have past question papers of the degree courses they can publish here. Also members who work in IT company or any company can put the selection process in their company and questions asked in the interview. This will attract some more people to visit the website.
One more point i forgot to post in the previous reply. If somebody has the questions asked in the examinations for goverment organisations like BHEL,HAL, ISRO, Bank etc they can publish it. This will attract job seekers also.
But most of the education content found when we search on google so if i post then there may be most chance that boddunan will reject that article even it will self written.

Because chances of educational material to found on other website is more.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Santosh every site has different writers so writing style will definitely differ so there will be no problem with Boddunan to accept your article
Hello Friends,

For attracting students from schools and colleges we need to publish articles that have high quality English.
Many articles published on Boddunan are full of spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes and errors in common system of writing English.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Hello Friends,

Students will be attracted only if we post articles in an English that is better than the one the students write. Most of the students are form English medium and we have to maintain standard that is liked by the students. At least equal to them...

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
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