Has anybody here tried www.uu9.eu for making some extra money? Can you please describe me the concept? Does it pay through cheques also? Actually, the website could not b opened when I tried but I have been referred to by person on my email-id to join it. Any opinion from you guys ? :silly:
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Same here also Aman.. I Think this is a fake site.. It is not opening...
I hope we should stick to very few sites and be committed to them.. This would help you earn more... Rolling stones gather no moss.. :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
I have seen Paybox link on your blog. Is it legitimate and have you earned from it? What about paid-to-promote link ?
I feel that these are fake websites.Contribute your valuable time and knowledge in Boddunan. :) :)
The site is not opening for me either! forget about such sites since they are probably fake!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I could also not open the website. Either the site is wrong or closed down. This may be fake.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

gulshan kumar ajmani wrote:
[quote]I could also not open the website. Either the site is wrong or closed down. This may be fake.[/quote]
So I am rejecting this site forever. :dry: :unsure:
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