I want to know if Document Sharing Programme is still alive. Can anybody state its procedures and steps and its point system? :) :) :)
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It is withdrawn due to technical reasons. However you can browse through submitted documents.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Aman, I think your answer is here. :)

You still have many more contests here running.. You can participate in any of them.. :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Deepti wrote:
[quote]Aman, I think your answer is here. :)

You still have many more contests here running.. You can participate in any of them.. :)[/quote]
Actually, I just wanted to know about this contest. I know about all other contests running on here. :woohoo:
Actually document sharing is a good concept.Hope it will resume back after sometime.

Deepti just stated about other contest just for your information. We all are aware but still, this is her kindness.
I was not even aware when it got discontinued hope this section starts sooner.

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Deepti wrote:
[quote]Aman, I think your answer is here. :)

You still have many more contests here running.. You can participate in any of them.. :)[/quote]
Sorry Deepti, for my rudeness. Thanks too. :) :) :)
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