A simple yet cost effective way to reduce stress or anxiety is chewing sugarfree gum, according to a study.

It also showed that chewing gum increases alertness and improves performance while multi-tasking.

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Andrew Scholey, professor of behavioural sciences at Swinburne University, said that studies he conducted at Northumbria University showed that chewing gum may be 'associated with positive, relaxing social behaviours'.

The controlled, randomised study examined 40 people averaging 22 years while they performed on the defined intensity stressor simulation (DISS), a multi-tasking platform which reliably induces stress and measures performance.

The participants' levels of anxiety, alertness and stress levels were measured before and after completing the DISS while chewing and not chewing sugarfree gum.

The study found that levels of salivary cortisol (a physiological stress marker) in gum chewers were lower than those of non-gum chewers by 16 percent, according to a Swinburne release.

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But people should dispose the chewing gums carefully.I have seen people just spitting off in roads.It often get stick to our sandals and shoes.Thanks for sharing the information,Deepti. :) :)
Yes --- This is a very bad habit that I too observe... In specific young kids stick the gums to bus seats, in railway compartments and in lifts too.

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Chewing gum also releiving stress!!So to the new youth it may be a stress free period coming.

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Yes Deepti,we could see it in bus seats,roads,and even in shopping market racks and shelves.
Removal of stress is attained by easing mind. Chewing gum also distracts mind and relieves tension. Smoking also eases tension. Tension is nothing but fatigue arising out of over thinking or working more than capacity. Mental rest and diversion of brain/ mind in any way, meditation, sleep, light music etc relieves mind and stress is removed.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Ya they are stress relievers..that is the reason why sports people chew it while playing....It happened to me before that i swallow it accidently so we have to eat carefully too.. :lol: :)
I have swallowed chewing gums many times.Hope nothing happens to me. :P :P
I often consume happydent being a medicinal chewing gum and have always spitted it after rolling it in a piece of paper for obvious reasons stated here.

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nagalakshmi.karunanidhi wrote:
I have swallowed chewing gums many times.Hope nothing happens to me. :P :P[/quote]

Oh Nagalakshmi... Haven't you felt stomachache even??? ;)

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