After Chili now China...

Twenty-nine miners who were trapped in a flooded coalmine in southwest China were rescued Monday, reports Xinhua.

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I think the Chinese mine disasters have become a regular feature and I attribute to the furious pace of economic development which overlooks the safety aspects!
When mine disaster occurs I usually notice it to be either in China or Chile!

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The good thing is the trapped miners are safely rescued. But, utmost prevention should be taken to avoid these sort of accidents.
Miners are rescued with gods grace..hope such problem may not arise often.. :ohmy:

I heard that frequent earthquarks are due to mines it true? :unsure:
What disturbs me is the Chinese leadership's little regard for safety of miners!
They had escaped.But in some other country the rescue operations are not yet started.

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That's true but there have been many cases in China when the miners lost their lives in great numbers!
Yes, I too have heard about it.No body cares about human lives. :( :( .It is sad.
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