I had some problem in my Internet connection now I will spend more time to increase my rank level and I will put all efforts to keep me in top 20 position
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I am at 36 rank
I will improve my rank soon
Hi sobhahya do hardwork try to take broadband connection at home i have take it of Reliance there you maximum expense per month will 649 Rs pm and you can earn this amount from working on boddunan and also you can work on other site if you have good speed than your point will increase fast.

Santosh Kumar Singh



very nice. You will put in moe time and increase your rank. But is it required to inform the management about our progress and to make promise for improvemnt in future?

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is quite impressive position...
You have earned good name on this site and it would not be a difficult task for you to scale further heights

Harish Jharia
Thanks Harish I will try to maintain my level becaue when I joined this site it was totally new and we had less than 1000 members and now we are reached near around 5k members so I have to work hard
Hey Saubhagya Das... Just keep cool.
Work at your convenience and you will find yourself above many...

Harish Jharia
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Making top in revenue share position is not a big task from my experience.But I think it should not be our prime aim.Making the site rich with good contents is to be our aim.All other will come side by side.

Visit my blogs:

I agree with you abid I always trying to participate more in forum instead of getting points by reading articles or voting polls
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