In India Obama feared it and avoided Golden Temple visit.And here....

US first lady Michelle Obama donned a headscarf on a visit to an mosque in Indonesia on Wednesday, not a requirement for a non-Muslim but a sign of the Obamas' efforts to show respect for the Islamic world.

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Every individual has the right to follow any religion.I don't know why this much hype is created in this issue.
This gives lie to earlier report about the U.s. President avoiding visit to Golden Temple at Amritsar. If the first visit could wear a scarf voluntarily, The U.s. President could do so at Amritsar as well.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

gulshan kumar ajmani wrote:
[quote]This gives lie to earlier report about the U.s. President avoiding visit to Golden Temple at Amritsar. If the first visit could wear a scarf voluntarily, The U.s. President could do so at Amritsar as well.[/quote]

I think he feared some other thing.

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You must respect every religion, you follow or don't follow, and thats what she is doing. She is giving the request and we must appreciate it rather than to make a issue.

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She was well within her rights to do it and it's being unnecessarily senasationalized!
It must be the security reasons why Obama avoided visiting the golden temple.
He had his own security force with him besides our security.Still he fears means what ???

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I once again stress that it was for them to decide which place to visit or not! And I don't think security was an issue for their decision not to visit Glden temple!
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]I once again stress that it was for them to decide which place to visit or not! And I don't think security was an issue for their decision not to visit Glden temple![/quote]

Historic or other places visited by heads of state make no issue. I agree. What is important is the treaties/ agreements entered into between two countries.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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