According to recent estimates by the World Health Organisation (WHO) there's been a sharp drop in the number of polio cases this year as compared to the last.

The number of cases of type-1 polio is only 16 this year as compared to 51 last year, while type-3 cases stand at 23 against last year's 343, according to the WHO

:) :) :)

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This is indeed a very good news.Thanks Deepti,for sharing valuable information regarding Polio. :) :)
This is a great news deepti.... hope next year we don't have a single polio case..... thanks for sharing....
That is truly heartening to know and thanks Deepti for providing details about it!
I think lot od awarness has been created in recent times regarding the vaccine for polio in rural area which has improved the statistics..Thanks for the information Deepti. :)
Polio was a scourge in India for many decades and its complete elimination should be the next goal!
Many celebrities like Amitabh are campaigning for this very great cause. The intention of the government is to bring awareness among all the innocent and uneducated poor and tribes. This is indeed a very good news... :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
If all our celebrities join in eradicating most of our basic problems in this country,India would be a different country!
Thank you for sharing this proud information keep sharing such information further more.

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