Kolkata Metro which was the first of its kind in the country and once used to be a pride of Kolata has run into very serious trouble with incidents of technical snags being reported almost on a daily basis.With poor maintenance and management, the authorities are on an expansion spree!
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It is really an important issue which needs immediate attention.Thanks for sharing he news,Chinmoy. :) :)
Indeed its a very serious issue which you brought to notice chinmoy...
Thanks for sharing....
The safety of passengers is being compromised which is a very serious issue.
now a day leaders not giving attention towards this thing,
it is really an important issue which needs immediate attention.?
We compare our self with the America, do we really capable. Our politicians and admin officers are doing other important tasks and what is that God knows........
The whole problem starts with politicians take decisions om matters which are purely technical!
When first time i went to kolkate in year 2000...The most exciting way of transportation experienced by me was the Metro railways which travels very fast in sec...I though in India Kolkate is having the most advance way to travel. This is good way to travel long distances.

I am surprised to know that presently it is ruined without proper security system.. :(
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