Is strict rules ,beating kids money important for School going students?
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Mani,Do you mean giving pocket money to children?. :)
mani wrote:
[quote]Is strict rules ,beating kids money important for School going students?[/quote]

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Mani ,if your question is related to beating children in schools then i would surely say- it is a cruelty towards children.
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It's resounding No from me! Beat the beaters!!!
Punishment cannot be eliminated from anywhere. This differs from cruelty. Cruelty and leniency both are harmful. Reward and punishment both are necessary everywhere.
Beating school students arbitrarily and angrily is of no use. There should be code of conduct. The punishment should be only for breach of discipline and decorum and not for poor study. caning is the most appropriate punishment. For offences like, late coming, avoiding class, shouting and nuisance, punishment by caning on clothed backside is most appropriate. The quantum of punishment must be uniform and prescribed.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Discipling kids and subjecting them to corporal punishment are two matters altogether.From my limited experience I can say that a good teacher never needs a cane!
Children have a great respect for teachers who show love towards them rather than teachers who beat them.Love is an universal language. :)
chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]Discipling kids and subjecting them to corporal punishment are two matters altogether.From my limited experience I can say that a good teacher never needs a cane![/quote]

I agree. A good teacher will not need to use the cane. In fact, presently caning is not permissible. But punishment cannot be totally avoided. Corporal punishment is also a way to discipline. This is necessary for habitual offenders.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

As corporal punishment is no longer a legitimate way of discipline any teacher opting for it would do so at his or her own risks.My objection to corporal punishment is total and I have no faith in it whatsoever !
its very bad on teachers part to beat kids as parents send childrens to school thinking they are in good hands but when these hands only hurt them then what should be done....
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