After the salary hike of Members of Parliament (MPs), now the daily allowances and travel facilities is also increased and this facilities will also be enjoyed by the spouse of MPs.

Sources said with effect from Oct, a member is entitled to a daily allowance of Rs 2,000 per day during any period of residence on duty and road mileage rate for vehicles to Rs 16 per km.

Even MP's spouse can travel any number of times, in first class air-conditioned or executive class in any train from the place of residence of the Member to Delhi and back to the residence.

Even, when the Parliament is in session, the spouse can travel by air or partly by air and partly by rail. Still, this is subject to the condition that the total number of such journeys shall not exceed eight in a year.
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Already the salary was increased from Rs.16000 to Rs.50,000 per month.Salary for MP's itself is unnecessary,why to facilitate them with perks too?
Our all honourable MPs consider it to be their constitutional right to loot !!
Rightly said chinmoy,
indirectly they are looting this country, and now they started directly..... Don't they pity poor people.....
Yes, well said Chinmoy and Kavitha.Apart from black money they get paid in terms of salary too.
We should not grudge M.P. salary and allowances. Let them get their remuneration lawfully and not indulge in corruption.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

That sounds pretty interesting!I would rather say that let them earn it conscientiously
I received a mail regarding the salary of MPs and some pictures of real India.Really it is sorry to see them.

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A law is as good or as bad as the law- makers! Even if they get it through an enacted law I would still consider it to be morally repugnant!!
I hope after this good news they will travel all the places in India to awail their travel benefits...honestly :) hope they use this benefit properly.
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