While expressing his opinion on the role of change Bernard Shaw commented:"Progress is impossible without change, and those cannot change their minds they cannot change anything."

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Yes. I share the views. Resisting change brings stagnation and halt to progress. The only thing worth consideration is the direction of change.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

We want change, but don't know how to change. Even worse, we want change, but resist it at the same time, particularly in our behavior. We're built that way, to resist change, but we are also free to overcome that resistance. It's not easy obviously. We wouldn't be in the places we so hate if it were easy, but it's not impossible.

We are tempted to think that if circumstances would just change, then our lives would change. We would be happy. That is foolish. Lottery winners are notorious for being broke only a few years after winning millions. If we are a bit wiser, we may think that if we start doing things differently things would change. That is much closer to the truth than the belief that circumstance must change first, but it does not go far enough. The strange thing is that we must change internally in who we are first in order to change our actions which will then change our circumstances.
Yes, the statement is very true.The change should happen internally.It should not be like new year resolutions which we often break.
Change is really needed for any progressive thing...Which is what the quote states..It is well suited to todays world..especially Governement. :)
Very truly said chinmoy....

change is very necessary in today's world... we have to change ourself accordingly internally and externally....
Thanks Gulshan,Manisha,Nagalakshmi,Kavita and Rajani for your views!Manisha's elaborate reply has truly highlighted the dilemma surrounding change.To most of us it is desirable,yet we have some ambivalence in accepting it initially.
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