Hello Boddunan Team,

My following article was approved on 3rd December 2009 at 03:09; yet, it is not appearing on the opening page on clicking “Browse Article” button.

It has not appeared on the front page list of “Latest Articles”

"Road Rage Might Be Fatal"

Why this disparity with my article… Please let the members know.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
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May be boddunan team in vacation.Don't worry.
My article also do not get listed in recent articles always.I think there comes the last ten articles only.Since some authors post 5 or 6 articles per day they will replace the earlier posted from the recent articles list.

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I am not sure of policy in the matter. If the latest articles are to be shown in routine manner withot any editorial discretion, it will be unfair to omit the latest article and show previous one. However,if it is a matter of editorial discretion, we cannot question the wisdom in selecting more important articles for display on front page.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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