Shocking truth:

A wife in Vishakapatnam,Andhra Pradesh was disowned by her husband after she delivered a girl. She is living now with her parents

How pathetic can people be! Can you imagine the future of the wife and the baby?

Swetha Shenoy
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This telltale story speaks eloquently of the middle-ages darkness which still engulfs the minds of some men in our society! I'm truly shocked!
It is very shameful that there are still people in this world who are hatred towards girl babies. :(
This is very commonly seen situation in villages....
These situations used to be more prominent n the olden days... But it is very sad to see this even in the present modern India... :(

Thanks 'n' Regards,
This did not happen in a village.It happened in an urban area

Swetha Shenoy
Yes Swetha... :(

This is quite commonly seen in villages.. But very sad to see this even in the present modern India...

Thanks 'n' Regards,

I have observed this gender bias in some of the so-called progressive states and it has nothing to do with urban or rural divide!
it is really an patnoic statuation and we should feel pitty about the girl
Chinmoy's statement is completely true as the thinking is the main problem..whether it is village or city..thinking is not changing.. :(
This is glaring example of gender bias. Things cannot improve without a massive campaign by youth.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes,I agree with Chinmoy and Rajani.This situation is prevailing among both educated and uneducated people. :(
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