Stresses viz-a-viz desires!

Do you know that the main reason for stresses and tension in modern days is our indiscriminate desires...?

Harish Jharia
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I agree. Realistical self- assessment and reasonable goals will give more satisfaction. Quality and not quantity should be aim. Do not chew more than you can eat.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes our desires are the main reason because those desires can not be satisfied easily so we try to find measures to satisfy them.
The process of satisfying our wants is very stressful !
yes, these days man has forgot the word 'satisfaction' and putting himself to unnecessary stresses.
Many people experience stress on a daily basis, and many of the stressors are the same for everyone. Some people are, by nature or habit, more susceptible to stress, or more likely to be stressed by something that would more easily roll off someone else's back.
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