Why there are board examinations in 10th and 12th classes...?

Should there be board exam for either of these two classes...?

Harish Jharia
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I usually do not care about how i score in the Boards. But Board exams are the only exams corrected by the officials rather then the teachers at schools who may be partial to some students. So in this exam you can expect the true status ranking.
In continuation with the above, May be the general idea of Board exams is to understand, in which subject a particular student is able to score good and hence deciding that the student can take a subject in that area in College with the hope that the student's performance will be good in college as did in the Board.
I think that is the general reason, but i do not believe that a student's performance in the board has no direct relation to the performance of student in College.

Also, the choice of subjects in College are more elaborate compared to the groups (science/commerce etc) in school syllabus. So, more focus should be given on providing career counseling to students than conducting the Boards.
I feel these board exams are much useful to government rather than students in statistically calculating the performance of students of entire state. In Andhra Pradesh even 7th has board exams.. :dry:
Hello, you said board exams are more useful to Government than students. Can you explain why? (I am not creating a discussion, i do not know the actual reasons behind these that is why i am asking)
The board exam papers will be corrected by other school n college faculty. so that there will be no misinterpretation of students performance. otherwise the corporate schools pomp about their school students for scoring 99%s. This helps government in statistically calculating the education rates, success rates etc etc..
Don't you think that if 12th is a board exam check-point then what is the necessity for conducting board exams for 10th...?

Harish Jharia
Again, Board exam in 10th is check point for what group to take in 12th since students till 10th learn a little bit of everything. This exam may enable them to choose whether to take science, commerce computers etc.
right Anusha, that's why 10th is called as turning point for everyone's future.
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