What are we doing to attract visitor's traffick to Boddunan ?

Harish Jharia
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What can we do to attract more visitors ? is good for discussion rather than posted by you because a group thinking and ideas may come from it.

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- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Spreading word of mouth and getting referrals is okay but I think the website should be advertised as well. Though not aggressively on a large scale but some promotional efforts through the media should be made.
Advertisement is best way to attract visitor and other main thing is information if information will get by visitor that they need then they will visit next time so we need to concentrate on needfully information not philosophy type information because no one is interested in philosophy.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Writing detailed information about the site in Blogs would be good. Since most of the members are focused on the earning process, the payment proofs can also be included to boost up the confidence of viewers to join the site.
Advertising about boddunan in popular websites like google or yahoo may help increasing the members but boddunan has to spend some amount for advertising. I am not sure whether it is possible for boddunan to do that as the website is only months old

Hi friends.

We have to promote about boddunan in some social networking sites like orkut and Facebook..
This may be increase our members.
even by posting articles regarding the most searched topics in the google, we can make it. so that, if somebody searches the topic it would appear in the first page of google search. The articles are to be effective enough to attract people.
Hello Guys,

Thanks for starting this topic. Currently boddunan is advertising on Google Adwords platform. And it is offering so many money making programs to attract and retain members. And yes, the articles are the main source of traffic but at the same time, other sections like polls are evolving as new traffic generator.

Publishing in other media is too costly for boddunan as its revenue is not sufficient for that. I hope one day an article from boddunan will be published on national news paper and boddunan will get popular :)

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

A review in national dailies can be given by any one of itself.I think better to give in The Hindu.In Malayalam daily I may try to post a review.

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