Why do we call it buildings, when they're already finished? Shouldn't they be called builts?

:woohoo: :woohoo: :blink: :blink: :S :S

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Kumaresh,How come you think so intelligently,Man?.Poems apart and now grammar classes. ;) :P :P
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The process of building is a never-ending one and in its life it undergoes several phases of chopping and changing,that's why it always remains a building! Sorry I can not put in a lyrical form!!!!
How come you think different Kumaresh.... :) This is interesting topic.. :P :P :P :P

Well --- Let us call them builds from now on... ;)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Wow, another intelligent question from the Shakespeare!!

How come we do not think of such questions??? :(

As to answer your question, probably Chinmoy's is right!!

Trying to think of any other answer, I am tongue tied!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

chinmoymukherjee wrote:
[quote]The process of building is a never-ending one and in its life it undergoes several phases of chopping and changing,that's why it always remains a building! Sorry I can not put in a lyrical form!!!! [/quote]

very well explained chinmoy.....i think you are right.....good explaination.....
The use of 'ing' in continuous sense is relevant to verbs. The term 'building'' used as a noun does not indicate 'continuity'. If you say- "I am building healthy body by healthy food', the 'ing' gives sense of continuity. But if you say- Taj is magnificent building, 'ing' does not stand for 'continuity'.
But I hope, Kumaresh is good at English. The answer is for novices- young High school students.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Very well explained by Chinmoy and Gulshan..I think kumaresh has got the answer.. ;) :)
Kumaresh,Eagerly waiting for your funny funny answer. :) :P :P
Grammatically speaking it a verbal noun which is known as gerund too but the real fun lies in Kumaresh's spin which is uniquely his own! I remember in my child I used to come across a wealthy's man's building which was,indeed, a building! I would surely see a few masons working on it over year after year!!!!
Yes, as Chinmoy stated it is a Verbal noun.But one thing about the word build.The word evolved from the name Byldan (pronounced bil – den ) an old English word, meaning dwelling or house.
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