A doctor working for a private hospital was arrested today for allegedly causing death of an 18-year-old boy due to negligence.

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Doctor Nadeem performed a surgery on Rakesh, a PUC student, for a minor nose ailment. The patient did not regain consciousness post-operation.
He was taken to another hospital where he was "declared brought dead"

Apparently, something went wrong with the dosage of anaesthesia that was administered to Rakesh. Nadeem was arrested by the police as he was the one who conducted the surgery on Rakesh..


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We had a similar case in Midnapore day before yeasterday.Very shocking,indeed!
Yes this happen due to lack of professionalism and i think may be he must also be shocked to see the failure...
Although it's not possible to know the cause but the standard of patient care has declined in recent years!
Hmm --- And the anesthesia should be given by observing the physical condition of the patient. Some should be given more and some would get drowsiness just with small amount...

Hope he haven't checked the condition of the patient... Poor boy.. He is just 18 years old... :(

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Such cases of medical negligence are too many and Medical Council of India is toothless and corrupt body which does nothing about it!
Precious life is treated worthless by such doctors due to this type of negligence..and i find these type of cases reported more in India.
Feeling bad to see doctors having so much negligence and being so much business minded... :(
On the other hand we find strikes from junior doctors. :( :dry:

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A result of incompetent students being trained as doctors!! The admission to medical caolleges should be made stricter and all reservation removed!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

It is vey shocking to hear. It is a incident of mere negligence and lack of expertise. :( :(
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