please share your experiance in boddunan..like how you were introduced to the site.,what all benefits you got from boddunan..how did you feel when the first cash credit came to your account.above all..how did you feel when you received your first cheque?
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I was introduced to this website when I was searching for a good money making website :cheer: and I thought it was genuine in a way. So I joined and now its only 15 days sine I subscribed to this site and I'm really happy with this. B) :) :laugh: :lol:

Your one click makes their day, please help them:
I didn't remember how I came..
But for many days after sign up I did not visited boddunan coz I didn't found it as better paying site..
Then latter I don't know I involved in it..

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Referred by someone... I think, I joined in August. Written 70 articles... earned about 2300 and for the past few days, I've been assigned to review articles. I'm enjoying my new role and doing my work with a sense of responsibility. My experience with this site has been really awesome.
Actually i used the link provided by some member and joined the site while searching for a online income earning site. I randomly joined the site along with many other sites.

In the beginning i was so confused and spent nearly a week to just browse through the content in the site and be aware of the activities and the terms etc.
The first thing i was involved in was voting on polls which seemed the easiest one to begin with. Then i wrote my first article which were not approved etc. Later i wrote an article and it earned Rs.5. I constantly started writing. Slowly, it just happened that my size of articles increased and so was the amount. It is very exciting !

Besides these, i participated in most of the contests so far from the date i joined and even got awarded in most of them. This was the first time i socially participated in activities and it feels great.
I have a friend Shri Ramesh Muskan, a laughter poet in Hindi. Some poet referred him to the site. Mr. Muskan knew that I write on writing.com. He suggested I should visit Boddunan.com. He referred me. since then, i am spending more time on the site. This site is India and unlike writing.com, the current affairs of India and other related matters get due place. I like this site very much. I have written sixteen articles and also active on this forum despite my legal professional job. I wish to work for taking the site to glorious heights.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I referred by Atul bhai . he is one of the active member and also boddunan supporter thank to Atul bhai who given me chance to earn some extra money from this site and my experience till date is very nice i am still most active member. its my achievement here and working hard to get more money.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I came to know about the site through an article.I am yet to fully acclimatise with the site.But on a cursory look the site has many interesting features.But my two articles posted a few days ago are yet to be approved.Comparing with other sites,I feel, it is somewhat delayed.
I was also referred by a blogger in my language , Malayalam.I am blogger in Malayalam.After joining here I was silent for one week I think.Then I saw a GD and participated in it and got first prize also.So I got motivated and begane to participate in more activities and had won many awards here in last month.I also had published 11 articles.I am very happy not in my cash credit but in improvement of my writing ability.Thanks to Boddunan and to all friends.

Visit my blogs:

in starting it was awsome but i don't know what is happening now a days? i am not getting cash credits, my article are being approved and after that written copied content.. so write now it so difficult to say any thing..........
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