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Hackers find new ways to loot money from people.They really misuse technology. :(
For every new thing there is a loophole available. Hackers find it quickly, before it can be found by the developers and misuse it.

Thanks for the info nagalakshmi.

Vijay U
Hackers would find many possible ways to loot money... We should be aware of the facts and be cautious.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Well that is true to some extent...Thanks for the information Nagalakshmi..
Hackers are enticing Facebook users to install an application pitched as a “Dislike” button that jokingly notifies contacts at the social networking service: “I just got the dislike button, so now I can dislike all of your dumb posts lol!!!”
Hackers are finding new ways for exploitting the money.Facebook added in to that.Friends be careful.
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