Is group discussion contest closed ..??

I'm asking this because i haven't seen any group discussion after Nov 22..

I know that moderators are little busy .. i asked this just because its been a long time ..

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As the earlier discussion closed yesterday itself, I have not announced a new one. If you find any interesting topic please let me know as it will save some time for me.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

ok yaar... thanks for reply.. i will try ...

and also try to close the discussion on the date told itself .. i know that sometimes we may have to extend due to low participation.. but try to extend...

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Seeking the topic from a member is not at all a good step.Instead you put a contest for it also.A lot of topics will be in queue then and your time seeking the topic will be saved for at least one year.

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Hey Abid, Nice idea...
I have few topics..
1)Why youth of India not participating in Politics?
2)Do we have right to speak, Are we living in a democratic nation?
3)Is youth of India running behind Money?
4)Should their be court trials for Kasab?
5)what's your take on Legalization of Gay Sex?

Also give your topics..

Maverick, You can choose from the list..

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Thanks for your support.If Maverick asks to submit topics I may also submit some.Hope all will submit their own.

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Thanks a lot guys. Generally I try to select the topic on my own but due to busy schedules, I take help of others for such things. Appreciate your effort and I believe you are very comfortable with the topics you have suggested :)

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

The topics just came to my mind while replying to the post..
I havn't tried of them yet..

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Friends.. the latest group discussion is open... please join me there.... I'm participating for the first time.
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