Foreign students and faculty, medical courses and a new pattern for entrance exams are among the reforms planned for Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal said Friday.

What will be the consequences?

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Introducing something distinct is not new in educational system of India but ultimately the success depends on managing properly which is lacking in many top educational institution. :(
But allowing foreign students may affect Indian intake.Definitely there will be more opportunities also world wide.

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What good in this ? Instead of offering medical courses, why don't they focus on core engineering branches and improvising their standard ?
sajeetharan wrote:
[quote]What good in this ? Instead of offering medical courses, why don't they focus on core engineering branches and improvising their standard ?[/quote]

I think maybe they have a opinion that medicine is becoming very backwards as more students opting for they must be trying to improve medical field..but in real Enigneering standards are lacking in IIT as it is proved by a degrade rank in world's list...
First of all they should improve that .. :huh: :)
I agree with you,Sajeetharan.Our exisiting medical colleges can be upgraded to meet this need.IITs are speciality institutions for technology.Let them remain so.
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