Future of Robots


Vijay U
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Thanks a lot,Vijay for sharing this link.Hope robots remain robots- good servants - bad masters!!!
Yes Robots are really very useful technology..thanks for giving us some details regarding them...

I only expect that robotics shouldnt be used in bad way..by designing some killing or too much over smart robots... :huh: :dry:
The article is really interesting vijay.. thanks for the share.
We must be alive to this fact that robots are what these are meant to be- it should dance to the tune of human will!
Robots will have to starve daily if they will replace common man in our country... Thanks for the vijay!
Extensive and intensive use of robots won't be at all desirable.
Software giant Microsoft Corp sees the future and it is robots. The Seattle-based company on Tuesday previewed a set of new software tools that aims to give developers a simpler way to design robots and to create and test programs that operate a wide range of machines - from toys to floor sweepers to those used in factory production lines.

"We believe this is a key part of the future of computing," said Microsoft Robotics Group general manager Tandy Trower, who called robots the next evolution of the personal computer.

more details...

It's clear enough that what Micrsoft thinks of is selective application of robotics.
Even Intel has used robot to advertise its new processor... :lol: :)
I only think that robots shouldnt be as advanced as robots in the movie Terminator...as they dont have emotions..They should be used only when man can not do the task...
Thanks for the link,Vijay. Let us wait and watch our super star movie "Enthiran-The Robot".
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