According to the latest figures released India's industrial output growth nearly doubled to 13.8% in July.Very encouraging signs of things.What do you say?
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It goes credit of our country when the rest of the world is still struggling to shake off the effects of recession, we have got positive industrial growth.
To sustain current industrial well as econmic growth as a whole, India needs to improve it's infrastructure. Power deficeit, Sea port, airport,bad road conditions problems have to tackled..these are the main onstacles in India's industrial growth.
This is a very good improvement.. hope the economy is on high after recession.
This is a good sign of economy growth.Thanks for sharing the information,Chinmoy. :)
Telecommunication (internet & mobile connectivity) sector has been developing significantly and other sector has to follow this pace.
This is good news and a positive sign of healthy economy! Thanks for sharing this info, Chinmoy!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

The Indian economy has withstood the challenges posed by the unprecendented global recession well enough and let us hope steady progress from this position.
That is good sign when compared to other countries indeed and the growth maybe due to foreign companies setting their plants in India as our country has cheap real estate values and cheap labour compared to other countries..
It also demonstrates the intrinsic strength of our economy.The huge size of our own domestic market might have acted as a shield against recessionary pressures.
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