The Bollywood as well as Hollywood movies and T.V. shows depicting violence are hit at box office. The scenes showing whipping, fist fighting are liked by viewers. Even in our real life, people gather to watch any quarrel and fighting whenever there is such incident on road. Also when there is bitter dispute between a man and woman and they hurl abuses or physically beat each other, people watch with interest and gossip about such affairs with pleasure.

Is violence really entertaining and is a way of life?
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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This is a very interesting brainstorming question so first of all thanks for throwing this topic for discussion. Yes it is true that we all are attracted more towards violence than peace may because the former is rare in our day to day life.

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ha ha :laugh: that is funny thing Gulshan which puzzles me too.Nice topic indeed..I cannot understand the logic behind the watching when two people fight are quarrel..

Maybe other people dont want to take chance by interefering in two persons quarrel.. human mentality..
May be the people who watch and enjoy such violence derive vicarious pleasure out of it.I have known people who are otherwise peace-loving enjoy watching violence in films!!
For people who are not involved or affected by the violence directly do find it interesting and entertaining!

It is actually not so much as enjoying the tussle between others, but it is also a way of actually imagining themselves in place of the others. Most of the time, we usually keep our anger over various issues suppressed inside our minds and cannot give a vent to those angers. Such incidences let them imagine themselves as taking part in the fight and thus releasing their own emotions!

Also a way of relating themselves to the heroes having extraordinary powers and strength.

Which is why a movie, Hollywood, Bollywood or anywhere else, movies filled with blood and gore are such tremendous hits!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I read this article today, it was good,

though it is not related with this thread,

i want to share with all of you,

Nice article to know how world considers Babasaheb and how Buddha's teaching have been mixed and misinterpreted by adding local beliefs....
Violence is entertaining if the violence is unrealistic, if it is true no one will like it.
I saw CNN video about Mr. Ravishankar's mission to Iraq where he teaches Iraqis spirituality, meditation etc. and preaches non-violence. That's good.
The link you gave Sajeetharan is quite interesting and thought-provoking!! We need to define what is violence first!! Many a times, what is considered as nonviolent but leads to violence should also be shammed as being violent!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Yes kalyani,

My point is what people perceive as violence is the direct subjective violence. It’s crucial to see violence which has to be done repeatedly to keep the things the way they are. I am not just talking about structural violence, symbolic violence, violence in language, etc. In that sense Gandhi was more violent than Hitler
Yes Sajee, those are exactly my feelings too!

Also, the numerous soaps that are being shown on TV, labeled as being family entertainment are in fact too violent! With all the lead characters conniving and conspiring against each other is in fact more violent than a head-on fight scene.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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