"It is possible that in the next several years the Internet could eclipse friends as the most influential way Americans meet their romantic partners, displacing friends out of the top position for the first time since the early 1940s," Rosenfeld said in a statement.
The researchers said they found that the Internet was especially important for finding potential partners in groups where the supply is small or difficult to identify such as in the gay, lesbian, and middle-aged heterosexual communities.
Rosenfeld said that among the couples who met within two years of the survey, 61 per cent of same-sex couples and 21.5 per cent of heterosexual couples met online.

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This is not acceptable as believing in online virtual relationship is not lesser than foolishness

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Well i agree on this, this is what the reason of High divorces In United states. what do you suggest?
There is no meaning for such relatioship and it is really foolish thing as said by Jayen ..they cannot trust such relations..There are many cases where users are cheated..after getting some money and gifts.. :side:
Not always rajini and jayen,

Yes , it is of the great value,if the one with whom you are related doesn't have a face. Atleast you don't desire to meet that person and at the same time you have openness to share your values and feelings,
Ya it may happen so. Its fast growing in western world, everyone are linked to atleast one social networking for sure even in India.
.........i agree with what rajani and jayen has said....

There is no meaning for such relatioship and it is really foolish thing ..they cannot trust such relations..There are many cases where users are cheated..after getting some money and gifts.. .such relations doesn't last longer....

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Obviously, internet is the latest source of information and means of communication. Hence love letters have been replaced by net chat and emails as well as social network sites.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Its a great thing actually fro lonely and friendless people, but there is not much depth to such relationships barring a few cases!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I agree with you kalyani,

Online relation has a great value but it depends on nature of thinking one has.
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