A Headlines Today team has uncovered the thriving prostitution racket in Sodavas and Girvas villages of the state's Alwar region. The team found that villagers were giving the girls - some of them as young as 10 - repeated and unregulated shots of growth hormone Oxytocin to speed up their sexual maturation.

"Gangs from the Bedia and Nutt communities kidnap girls, give them injections to make them reach puberty. The girls are then sent to Mumbai and even the Gulf for prostitution," said Rishi, a social activist in the area.

The kidnapped girls, some of them six-month-old babies, are brought to Sodavas and Girvas from far and wide. They are raised by the villagers "as their own daughters".

"Prostitution is a tradition in our community," said Ram Prasad, a village panch.

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Yes. Prostitution is a tradition in Beria community. The Basai red light area in Agra mainly consists of Beria. This community does not engage daughters-in law in prostitution.

The practice of kidnapping girls by Beria must be checked. There may be no difficulty with prostitution as such but kidnapping and forcing girls into prostitution is very heinous crime. The 'tradition' of kidnapping and compelling girls into prostitution must be drastically checked.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

i saw this news on zee news..There is a village in alwar district in rajasthan.the girls are during their childhood & they are bred in these villages.50% of the village is in this business.
What a tradition? but it is somewhat changing the attitute and thinking of girl child.
What the local politicians and police are doing there ? I think they must be getting a handsome amount in this nexus for the smooth trade.
It has become a tradition now. its no longer a surprising fact, its happening all over.
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