There are many diseases and some of them are worst and difficult to bear it.Which disease has the worst symptoms in your view?
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The real disease is fear. Throw the fear away the disease will go. Fear is more dangerous than 'WORST DISEASE'.
Yes it is true Sanjee..
Meean most of the diseases are worst as they ruin physical and mental ability of man..So, first will power is necessary so that even deadly diseases like cancer and AIDS can be bared. Though it is difficult to survive maybe somedays we can spend happily.. :(

My name is sajee! You have miss spelled it!

Well from my knowledge, worst disease according to me are

the worst and the most dangerous diseases are :



Is night blindness a worst disease? You can survive even if you have night blindness. what do you say neetu? can you tell me reasons?
In my point of view,Cancer is the worst disease one could ever suffer from.This is the most dangerous and deadly disease.I have personally experienced a loss of one of my closest one who had been suffering from cancer for so many years.I would be glad if someone experiment and find out complete cure for cancer.
Hi arun, are you from chennai? Nice to see you on boddunan. You started with your first post i think. All the best buddy!
According to me, DIABETES is the worst one. I have seen lots of patients losing thier lives with this disease although they have been under treatment from years.These days even many of the people at the younger ages are getting prone to diabetes due to faulty food habits.

AIDS & CANCER would be termed more dreadful diseases.
According to me the worst disease is corruption which kills hundreds of people!!! The other diseases can be treated and taken care of palliatively, but its corruption that is the hardest of all to treat!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Kalyani ! Is there any medicine for the disease corruption? It would be good if you suggests some.
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