Vijay U
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It seems you are using boddunan as a tool to develop your blog, this is not appreciated. better you share the info here!
I am not using boddunan as a promoting tool. I only share good information links. Many members nowadays do like this. Before i share this links i have asked Maverick. He repiled that link to the popular contents are allowed to share.

sajeetharan you too sharing links from many websites like ibn, orkut, etc., you shared the links because you thinked it is useful link. I also shared some links which i thinked as useful. Dont see the website name. See the contents wheather is is good or bad.

Vijay U
Ok vijay, If you have asked maverick then it is fine. I just said instead of posting links here you can paste the whole content here buddy.
For unique content i will post the content here itself.
If i post the content for other websites, it seems to be a copyright problem. thats why i am sharing links.

Vijay U
Vijay. There is no point in posting the entire content of other site verbatim. Link suffices. It will be okay to provide your own comments in addition to providing link to stimulate further discussion.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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