Dear Friends,

"Cleanliness is next to Godliness".
This is very famous proverb.

It came from Hebrew writings. Its first appearance in English was in the "Advancement of Learning" in 1605 by Francis Bacon.

What do you think about it?
How you interpret it?

Thanks & Regards,

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I am totally unable to say any thing about this.I liked the proverb very well.

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So friends !! No body has any clue about this proverb or all are very busy in playing games :laugh: :angry:

Come on friends ! Just give a try at least.

Thanks Abid for your response.

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Hmm let me give a try to interpret the meaning of this proverb. :)

Perhaps, the proverb means that: " Being clean is as important as being religious".
Infact all religions preach us to tell our prayers daily without fail. Similarly, it's also important for a person to daily keep himself as well as his surroundings always clean and hygenic. The more cleaner you are, the more closer/holier you will feel with God!!!

That was just a try :huh: ...No other explanation I can think of right now :unsure:
Yes kumaresh it very interesting proverb...but havent heard it before..

My intereptation would be as cleanliness can bring pleasant feeling to both body and can help you in acheiving better concentration and make you find Godliness. :P :cheer:

Idont know whether its right..but defeintely want to hear something from you.. :)
@KUmaresh, this is a very nice proverb but one which we Indians have forgotten!

It really means that where there is cleanlines there is flow of positive energy which brings a sense of well being. Therefore it is beleived that where there is cleanliness, it is the abode of holy spirits. :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Its true. We should be clean. It helps us in many ways. Both physically and mentally.

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I dont know if cleanliness is next to godliness. but certainly cleanliness prevents diseases and infections from our body.
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