Eight Indian states account for more poor people than in the 26 poorest African countries combined, a new measure of global poverty has found.

The Indian states, including Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, have 421 million "poor" people, the study found.

This is more than the 410 million poor in the poorest African countries, it said.
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poor is getting poorer ,richer is getting richer...
no place for middle man
400 million below 1 $ per day

another 400 million below 2$ pers

80% of India poor or nearly poor...

and we are celebrating 200 crores deal of dhoni

what a shame?
India is not a poor country. All the money are going to richer people and they are getting rich everday.Why can't these people give some money to poor people?

It is a shocking news.In midst of these comes Dhoni's new contract of Rs.200 Crores sign up.How can we justify these imbalance?

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we have more billionaires than any other Asian nation ... who cares about poverty line ....!!!
Meean- I do not appreciate the idea of the rich giving to poor as charity. In fact, the rich should be prevented from making ill money and poor be given fair share of reward for their work. Present system is inequitable that puts premium on tax evasion, exploitation and white collar crimes.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The above is a link to the richest in the world.

1 Warren Buffett United States
2 Carlos Slim Helu & family Mexico
3 William Gates III United States
4 Lakshmi Mittal India
5 Mukesh Ambani India
6 Anil Ambani India
7 Ingvar Kamprad & family Sweden
8 KP Singh India
9 Oleg Deripaska Russia
10 Karl Albrecht Germany

out of 10 4 of them are indians
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